Marushka on-line
- Maps server Marhuska - includes the cadastral map, boundaries of buildings, plots boundaries, plot numbers, aerial photos, map of house numbers, city plan, technical map of the city, the courses utility (CEZ JaryNet, Poda, SmVaK, Telefónica O2), topography map, land-use analytical information.
Older and historical maps
- Map of the town from 2006 (jpg, 1 MB)
- Map of the town from 2006 - Sights (jpg, 1 MB)
- Map of the town from 2006 - Sports (jpg, 1 MB)
- Map of the town from 2006 - Tourism (jpg, 1 MB)
- Map of the town from 2007 (jpg, 2 MB)
- A map of the town from 2011 - small (jpg, 5 MB)
- A map of the town from 2011 - large (jpg, 13 MB)
- A map of the town from 2011 - outskirts of Bohumín (jpg, 2 MB)
- A map of the town from 2012 (jpg, 3 MB)
- Drawing of the flooded area - aerial photo (pdf, 7 MB)
- Drawing of the flooded area - overview map (pdf, 10 MB)
On-line Internet maps
- www.mapy.cz (Seznam.cz)
- amapy.centrum.cz (Centrum.cz)
- maps.google.cz (Google.cz)