Město Bohumín

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The settlement of Skřečoň is mentioned already in 1305, but there were only a few cottages, mainly made of wood then. In 1792 the manor was sold to count Jan Larisch-Mönich. The establishment of a separate village was permitted by a resolution of the Provincial Diet on 17 March 1864. With the development of industries in the region, predominantly after 1902, when water mains were built in the village together with chemical works in Šunychl-Bohumín-nádraží (Šunychl-Bohumín-railway), the village developed fast. An electric narrow-gauge railway (tram), which was a great invention then, was operated since 1913 from Německá (currently Dolní) Lutyně to Šunychl-Bohumín-nádraží (currently Nový Bohumín). It was closed in 1973.

The construction of the church of Our lady of Sorrows started in 1912, it was consecrated on 9 November 1924 and in 1926 three big bells were lifted to the tower – Peter, Joseph and Hedwig. The graveyard was established in 1904.

On 6 July 1930 President T. G. Masaryk went through Skřečoň on his visit to the region of Těšín, which was a great occasion for all residents. President was officially welcomed in Nový Bohumín. The bravery of local residents during World War II is commemorated by numerous monuments and memorial plaques in the village. Best known residents are Karel Habram, who fought with the army commanded by later President Svoboda at Dukla, and Oldřich Halad, who participated in the invasion to France together with the West Allies. In the local graveyard there is a monument to dead soldiers of the Red Army, created by sculptor Antonín Kalvoda and unveiled in 1957, and an imposing monument to 104 Polish, victims of fascism from “Polenlager” located in our town during World War II. There is also a chapel from 1905, which was opened for regular services with a mass on 6 November 2005 after several reconstructions by the municipality and citizens.

The first school in Skřečoň was opened in 1850 and it was a parish school. The instruction was in Czech till 1867. Then the language of instruction was changed to Polish, but gradually German was demanded. Therefore form 1898 to 1899 Josef Berger, a builder from Bohumín, built a new school, which is in current Opletalova street. But it was not big enough, therefore another school was built in 1910, in current 1. máje street, where the German school was transferred and the original school building was used by the Polish school. After the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic, a Czech four-class primary school and nursery school were opened in the German school on 20 September 1920. There were two schools in the village – a Czech school and a Polish school. The Polish school was closed in June 1969, when it had just one class. On the contrary, the Czech school was enlarged in 1965 to a nine-year school and a new school pavilion was opened in 1975. Eventually in 2004 another reconstruction of the school was completed, as part of which new premises for sports were built. On evenings “skřehotání” (croaking) of frogs could have been heard in the surrounding swamps and therefore the village was allegedly called Skřečoň. The name of the forested part of the village is Borek and there is a water reservoir named Gliňoč where soil and later sand were extracted. The extraction finished in 1956. Today there is a sport field used by school children and teenagers. Cross-country runs and cycling races are organized there as well. There is also the so-called dry reservoir in Skřečoň which is used for keeping water after torrential rains. New wayside shrines were built and consecrated in Nová Ves in 2004 in a place where a chapel used to be that had to be pulled down due to its bad condition. The village has had its seal and coat of arms since 1723.

The local group – PZKO enriches the cultural and social life of the village, it was established in 1947. Its bets-known parts are the Haslo choir and Andrussi cabaret society. There is also a sport club (Sokol), established in 1921, football club called Rapid Skřečoň, established in 1932, and voluntary fire brigade. A the present time 2,509 people live in Skřečoň. The major companies in Skřečoň are Rockwool, a. s., Emco, spol. s r. o., Dřevotrust – prodej, a. s. and other small companies and businesses.


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