Město Bohumín

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Šunychl and Kopytov

The settlement of Kopytov is located in the cadastre of the village of Šunychl. The first note about Kopytov dates back to 1480, when nine wooden cottages were built in a swampy virgin forest. In the same year Štěpán of Vrbno acknowledged the privileges of the bailiwick in Kopytov. Its residents were mostly woodcutters felling the virgin forest. Kopytov lies on a tongue of land between the Odra and the Olše. Its name is probably derived from the word “Kopanisko”, but it is not the only explanation. The village of Šunychl was established in 1482 and because Šunychl and Kopytov were linked together, they were described jointly although Kopytov was attached to Šunychl only in 1920. The manorial nobility gave every small farmer a piece of land for which they had to do sockage to the lords. 52 holdings existed in 1820 and 62 house numbers were registered in 1912. In September 1922 the instruction in a Czech school in Šunychl commenced in one class used by the school together with a Polish school. In 1924 the Czech school became independent. It was a centre of cultural activities in Šunychl, lectures for adults, amateur theatre performances, celebrations, concerts and Christmas parties were held there. In 1924 a Czech fire brigade was established in Kopytov. In 1938 the Czech school was closed. Both Kopytov and Šunychl were largely damaged by air raids, bombardment and shelling at the end of World War II. The school was also hit, nevertheless the instruction restarted in 1945. As a consequence of the industrialization of farming, the offer of jobs decreased in the village and young pairs moved to new flats in the centre of the town. The number of children attending school decreased either and in 1967 the school was closed. A Czech nursery school was in Šunychl from 1924 to 1964. A psychiatric reformatory for delinquent juveniles is also located in the cadastre of the village.

The filial chapel of the Virgin Mary in Šunychl dates back to 1906 and masses for local parishioners are still serviced there, although not regularly. The chapel of St. John Nepomucký in Kopytov was destroyed during World War II and reconstructed in 1950. Both chapels were substantially damaged during the flood in 1997. The municipality had the Polish company Budimex built a sewage treatment plant in Šunychl for all Bohumín. The pilot operation started in 1997. Besides that extraction of gravel sand has continued. Significant meanders of the Odra are also located there. The management of the basin of the Odra is building large dikes in this part of the town. Kališčák lake is used for leisure and fishing. Residents are great patriots. There are several clubs and societies in the village, such as a volunteer fire brigade, consisting of two units in Šunychl and Kopytov, the union of breeders of small animals, etc.


Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
Šunychl - zvětšit fotografii
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